Disc locks recommended for any brand of motorcycle


Disc locks recommended for any brand of motorcycle

Motorcycle disc brake lock are both with sound and mute for protection against theft

Disc locks recommended for any brand of motorcycle

Famous as motorcycles, be it a simple car or a large bike, these are the easiest targets for all thieves, especially if the bike is unprotected and parked in a secluded place.  There are no crowds.  Because a motorcycle can easily commit theft.  It takes little time and only a few tools.  In addition to that, it can also be sold easily and has a price that is not surprising.  We'll see news of motorcycle theft happening regularly and with today's economy this is really bad.  It has led to more and more robberies.

With the stolen motorcycle, it was very hard to get a chance to see that car again.  Even if the stolen places, the closed circuit camera system can save all the images because when the villain got a motorcycle it will exchange parts with other previously stolen cars.  So as not to leave marks that you can remember that even if it passes in front of you you cannot know if this is your car.

Therefore, finding a device that can help protect your vehicle from theft is the best option, in other words, it is better to protect it than to repair it.  One of the most reliable "disc brake lock switch" devices is true that it cannot be 100 percent fully protected, but at least it can be delayed.  Cause trouble for thieves, too

Disc locks recommended for any brand of motorcycle

What is a disc brake lock? 

A disc brake lock is a lock that is specially designed to lock a disc brake.  Which will look different from the general home key, which is there will be a core made of good material.  It is sturdy and durable that is inserted into the disc brake cavity.  This prevents the wheels from spinning because the switches are attached to different parts of the car, some switches with an alarm.  Help make the villain unable to continue stealing and some models use a keyhole as a link that can help protect the locks

Disc brake lock purchase advice 

1. The material of the keys

For motorcycle disc brake locks, today there are many models and prices, differing in functionality and in terms of manufacturing materials.  Therefore, choose a disc lock that uses high quality materials.  It can help prevent theft to a whole new level.  Because the good materials have hard strength to cut it takes longer time for your car to be stolen.

2. The core lock

The size of the lock core is also important because if it is too small it can be cut easily.  But if it is too large, it may not work with the motorcycle's disc brakes.  Therefore, make sure that the disc brake you will be using is the lock.  Can they be used together or not?  It is mostly 7 mm

3. Notifications

As for alerts, it is a system that can protect your favorite car very well.  Because if your car is moving there is a vibration or have someone do something with your car it will sound a warning immediately.  That can make the criminal alarm unable to continue theft but there are drawbacks.  Therefore, if you use a lock with alarms in crowded places like markets, stores, etc., then there is a chance for people to approach your car and the locks will scream.  You might put yourself or others in the area a nuisance that could turn off an alarm.  It is suitable for people who have to park their cars in a secluded place.  There are no crowds.  Or park it inside your home

But if you want to lock your car in a crowded place, use a silent lock, preferably a silent lock.  The only precaution is to forget this, if you accidentally drive the car without removing the lock, it could damage your car.  Therefore, choosing a key color that contrasts with the car's color can help this be noted.


As we have all said, "motorcycles" are among the most stolen vehicles and the most difficult to track down as well.  Which is whether your car is parked on the side of the road or will stop inside the house with a tight fencing that can be easily stolen if given the opportunity, including valuable bicycles such as electric bicycles, mountain bikes, road bikes and more, can be targeted easily.

So why take risks?  Since you can purchase hundreds of dollars of gear to protect your favorite motorcycle, it may cost at least more villains.  Or if it was a main model with a beep as it was able to grab people's attention.  Made the shop owners unable to continue theft. Additionally, the device is compact and can be stored under the car seat.  When not in use it is portable, comfortable, easy to use and does not cause you any difficulties.  Hundreds of expensive equipment that can protect several tens of thousands of baht per vehicle.


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